Jose Arrieta

Former Chief Information Officer and Chief Data Officer Jose Arrieta is the former Chief Information Officer and Chief Data Officer of HHS.  He brings over 17 years expertise in technology management, innovation, policy, small business and acquisition/ procurement solutions. He has deep experience in all phases of the acquisition life cycle and has served in a broad range of executive roles within the Federal Government and private industry. He is a respected leader in applying emerging technologies, especially blockchain, artificial intelligence/machine learning and robotic process automation, to Federal business processes and mission critical program challenges.  

Jose has published several articles on the importance of communicating with the industrial base to ensure successful procurement outcomes.

He has also written articles on valuing disruptive technologies from a private sector investor perspective. He is actively engaged in the academic community, and currently serves at the University of Virginia and Johns Hopkins University as an Adjunct Professor focused on Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Business Management, and Public Procurement. 

He is also an advisor to the Dean of the Kogod Business School at American University and provides guidance on the creation of a data science lab that is exploring the use of blockchain and artificial intelligence.  He has pushed for a broader policy view in the USG of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and created government-wide communities (e.g. ACT IAC Blockchain Working Group) focused on identifying blockchain use cases and best practices.

Jose led the creation of HHS PROTECT the largest public health surveillance capability in the history of the United States. He also led the creation of the first enterprise grade supervised machine learning capability (HHS VISION) to help more accurately distribute lab supplies and predict hot spots across the United States. Finally, Jose established HHS Transform which uses distributed ledger technology to establish identities for commercial, federal, state, individual and machine end points to aide the COVID 19 vaccination efforts in the Untied States. 

Jose has two young kids and currently lives in Virginia. He is currently the Chief Imagineeer at Imagineeer.

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